Military sexual trauma (MST), defined by the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) as “sexual harassment that is threatening in character or physical assault of a sexual nature that occurred while the victim was in the military, regardless of geographic location of the trauma, gender of the victim, or the relationship to the perpetrator,” is a significant and pervasive concern in the military.
Some studies estimate that approximately 1% of veteran males (32,000 men) and 22% of veteran females (23,000 women) are exposed to sexual assault or repeated sexual harassment during their military service. Between 10% and 33% of servicewomen may experience attempted rape during this time period. The prevalence rates of MST may range from 4% to as high as 85% based on the method of data collection and the definition of MST used.
There are a variety of emotional, behavioral, physical, and mental health issues that have been linked to MST. Primary among these are depression, posttraumatic stress, anxiety, substance dependency, and an increased risk of suicide. Roughly 50-60% of female veterans who experience MST eventually develop posttraumatic stress. This rate is approximately three times higher than male veterans in similar circumstances. Of servicewomen who develop PTSD due to military sexual trauma, an estimated 75% develop co-morbid depression, and over 30% may develop anxiety.
Servicemen who experience posttraumatic stress due to exposure to military sexual trauma are more likely to abuse alcohol, drugs, and other substances than servicewomen who have experienced similar trauma. A study involving more than 2300 male and female military personnel who served in OEF/OIF revealed that sexual harassment was the only stressor that was independently linked to suicidal ideation among female veterans—even when accounting for depression and the misuse of alcohol.